Return on Investment Calculation

As a general rule, we begin our campaigns with a monthly ad budget of $800-$1000. This creates a baseline performance projection for your targeted geographic area. As a guideline, you can expect 300 impressions* with 10% (30) executing a call to action, (form filled or appointment booked) which should lead to 10 people to the office*, which should convert to 5 patients closed on a treatment plan of $1,250 per regimen*.

Try our ROI calculator to see what budget provides the best outcome for you.

*Based on Palm Beach County FL, results may vary

Conservative Monthly Return On Investment Stats


$ In Advertising Spend (AdWords or Facebook)


Impressions Made (patients that clicked)


Calls to Action (form filled or appointments made)


Patient Visits (people that show up for complimentary 1st treatment)


Patients Closed on Treatment Plan ($450 per treatment x 9 treatments)


$ in Projected Monthly Revenue for the office (conservatively)

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